MENDO, MIGUEL ANGEL EVEREST S.A, EDITORIAL Ref. 9788424180713 Ver otros productos de la misma colección Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    Alfredo, the main character in this story, is a child that lives happily in his town with no worries beyond going to school each day, playing, and having fun. But one day, when he is on his way to visit his grandmother, he passes through the town square and bumps into someone that appears to be a st...
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    • ISBN : 978-84-241-8071-3
    • Data d'edició : 01/01/2003
    • Idioma : CASTELLANO
    • Autors : MENDO, MIGUEL ANGEL
    • Ilustradors : GARCÍA FERNÁNDEZ ADA
    • Nª de pàgines : 96
    • Any d'edició : 2003
    Alfredo, the main character in this story, is a child that lives happily in his town with no worries beyond going to school each day, playing, and having fun. But one day, when he is on his way to visit his grandmother, he passes through the town square and bumps into someone that appears to be a strange salesman with a briefcase.
    As a result, the briefcase opens to reveal a bunch of black circles that look just like.... holes!
    Porfirio, the man with the briefcase, is actually an eccentric scientist that has invented a hole maker. His invention, however, has not yet been perfected, and for the moment has no practical use. This makes him feel depressed and leads him to consider himself a failure.
    And the worst thing is that Porfirio’s amazing invention, like any good thing that falls into evil and unscrupulous people’s hands, may end up being used with malevolent intentions, provoking utter social chaos.

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